Name | Default weight |
Life cycle assessment of a packaged tomato puree: a comparison of environmental impacts produced by different life cycle phases
Manfredi, M. and Vignali, G., Life cycle assessment of a packaged tomato puree: a comparison of environmental impacts produced by different life cycle phases. Journal of Cleaner Production 2014, 73, 275-284.
The case study involves companies in the tomato supply chain in northern Italy, with 700 g tomato puree packaged in a glass jar as a reference product. All the operations related to cultivating tomatoes are considered: land preparation, production and transplanting of tomato seedlings, fertilization, watering and harvesting.
Default weight: 10
Peer reviewed: Yes
Number of products: Below 5
Meta study: No
Commissioned: No
Year of study: After 2005
Methodology described: Yes
Reputation of source: High
Product | Notes | Country origin | Country consumption |