Product | CO2e / kg | Studies |
CO2e / kg
Categories: Soy-based products | Meat replacements | Food
Subcategories: Tofu (eco)
Source | Notes | CO2e | Country origin | Country consumption | Weight |
RIVM Database Milieubelasting Voedingsmiddelen | Tahoe | 4.335 |
Unknown | Netherlands | 5 |
Ökologische Fußabdrücke von Lebensmitteln und Gerichten in Deutschland (IFEU) | Tofu | 1.0 |
Unknown | Germany | 6 |
Life Cycle Impacts of Proteinrich Foods for Superwijzer | uncertified | 3.72 |
Unknown | Unknown | 0 |
Life Cycle Impacts of Proteinrich Foods for Superwijzer | certified | 2.54 |
Unknown | Unknown | 4 |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Generated by Tofu Production: A Case Study | 0.982 |
Unknown | Unknown | 10 | |
Environmental impact of plant-based foods | All data considered relevant for the assessment. Most studies show a climate impact below 2.3 kg CO2e per kg product. One study showed an impact of above 3 kg CO2e per kg product. This was not considered in the assessment due to its deviation from the other identified studies. For Swedish-produced products such as tempeh made from peas or faba beans, the climate impact is likely to be somewhat lower than for similar imported products.. Studies: 4 | 2.3 |
Unknown | Unknown | 6 |
Den store klimadatabase | Tofu, soy bean curd, Agriculture: 0.18, iLUC: 0.11, Food processing: 0.91, Packaging: 0.26, Transport: 0.25 | 1.71 |
Unknown | Unknown | 5 |
Klimatarier CO2 Rechner | Tofu | 1.66 |
Unknown | Unknown | 5 |
Reducing food’s environmental impacts through producers and consumers | Figure 1 | 2.0 |
Unknown | Unknown | 8 |
*only recipes with more than 50 grams of Tofu are shown.Recipes |