Product | CO2e / kg | Studies |
CO2e / kg
Categories: Vegetables | Food
Subcategories: Spinach (frozen)
Source | Notes | CO2e | Country origin | Country consumption | Weight |
How low can we go? An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from the UK food system and the scope reduction by 2050 | Spinach | 2.22 |
Europe | United Kingdom | 4 |
RISE Open access list 1.7 | Per kg fresh spinach | 0.3 |
Sweden | Sweden | 5 |
Ökologische Fußabdrücke von Lebensmitteln und Gerichten in Deutschland (IFEU) | Spinat, frisch | 0.2 |
Unknown | Germany | 6 |
Environmental impact of plant-based foods | European studies considered most relevant for the Swedish market. One study on European production was excluded. One study on European spinach was excluded due to much higher climate impact and insufficient data to evaluate the figure. The assessment is based on one study and is therefore uncertain. However, this study has a result similar to the studies on “rest of the world” production.. Studies: 1 | 0.5 |
Unknown | Unknown | 6 |
Den store klimadatabase | Spinach, Agriculture: 0.12, iLUC: 0.03, Food processing: 0, Packaging: 0.06, Transport: 0.29 | 0.52 |
Unknown | Unknown | 5 |
Klimatarier CO2 Rechner | Spinat, frisch | 0.29 |
Unknown | Unknown | 5 |
Systematic review of greenhouse gas emissions for different fresh food categories | Table 5 Median; #LCA studies: 2; #GWP values: 2; Mean: 0.54; Stdev: 0.51; Min: 0.18; Max: 0.91 | 0.54 |
Unknown | Unknown | 8 |
*only recipes with more than 50 grams of Spinach are shown.Recipes |