Product | CO2e / kg | Studies |
CO2e / kg
Categories: Gourds | Vegetables | Food
Subcategories: Cucumber (peeled) | Cucumber (pickled) | Cucumber (eco) | Cucumber (greenhouse, heated)
Source | Notes | CO2e | Country origin | Country consumption | Weight |
How low can we go? An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from the UK food system and the scope reduction by 2050 | Cucumbers and gherkins | 3.79 |
United Kingdom | United Kingdom | 0 |
How low can we go? An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from the UK food system and the scope reduction by 2050 | Cucumbers and gherkins | 1.3 |
Europe | United Kingdom | 4 |
RIVM Database Milieubelasting Voedingsmiddelen | Komkommer met schil | 1.878 |
Unknown | Netherlands | 5 |
Ökologische Fußabdrücke von Lebensmitteln und Gerichten in Deutschland (IFEU) | Salatgurke, ohne Plastikfolienverpackung | 0.4 |
Unknown | Germany | 0 |
Ökologische Fußabdrücke von Lebensmitteln und Gerichten in Deutschland (IFEU) | Salatgurke mit Plastikfolienverpackung | 0.4 |
Unknown | Germany | 6 |
Environmental impact of plant-based foods | Often produced in heated greenhouses for the Swedish market. Data on European production vary greatly, mainly due to differences between heating source for the greenhouses. Overall recommendation based on earlier studies: European produce likely to have a climate impact below 2 kg CO2e per kg, but the impact can be lower, around 0.5 kg CO2e per kg, depending mainly on greenhouse production or not, and heating source. Products from outside Europe are considered less relevant for the Swedish market. Two relevant studies were found for the Swedish market. This assessment is not valid for open field- produced cucumbers grown in Sweden, such as “västeråsgurka”.. Studies: 6 (2SW) | 2.3 |
Unknown | Unknown | 6 |
Den store klimadatabase | Cucumber, Agriculture: 0.05, iLUC: 0.01, Food processing: 0, Packaging: 0.14, Transport: 0.35 | 0.56 |
Unknown | Unknown | 5 |
Klimatarier CO2 Rechner | Gurke | 0.45 |
Unknown | Unknown | 5 |
FiBL CO2-Fußabdruck von Bioprodukten | Konventionell; Production: 0.165; Transport: 0.065; | 0.232 |
Austria | Austria | 3 |
Greenhouse gas emissions of realistic dietary choices in Denmark: the carbon footprint and nutritional value of dairy products | Table 1; including waste; excluding waste: 3 | 3.7 |
Unknown | Unknown | 8 |
Systematic review of greenhouse gas emissions for different fresh food categories | Table 5 Median; #LCA studies: 7; #GWP values: 15; Mean: 0.33; Stdev: 0.32; Min: 0.13; Max: 1.3 | 0.23 |
Unknown | Unknown | 8 |
*only recipes with more than 50 grams of Cucumber are shown.Recipes |