
Product CO2e / kg Studies

Atlantic bluefin tuna

CO2e / kg
= 100 g of Atlantic bluefin tuna
You can consume
kg of Atlantic bluefin tuna to exhaust your daily CO2e food budget

Categories: Tuna | Fish | Sea food | Food

Subcategories: Atlantic bluefin tuna (farmed)


Source Notes CO2e Country origin Country consumption Weight
Seafood carbon emissions tool Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), Wild, System: Purse seine, Notes: Data for Bluefin purse seining are not available. Estimates of fuel use here reflects all purse seining vessels targeting tunas and other large pelagic species, and as such may be underestimates.
Unknown Unknown 6
Seafood carbon emissions tool Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), Wild, System: Troll lines, Notes: Limited data are available for Bluefin fisheries. Fuel use estimates are based on five data points from three sources. Reported bait usage rates in tuna fisheries are typically low.
Unknown Unknown 6


*only recipes with more than 50 grams of Atlantic bluefin tuna are shown.