Product | CO2e / kg | Studies |
Goat milk
CO2e / kg
Categories: Milk | Dairy | Food
Subcategories: Goat milk (eco)
Source | Notes | CO2e | Country origin | Country consumption | Weight |
Greenhouse gas emissions from ruminant supply chains | Table 6, page 37 | 5.2 |
Unknown | Unknown | 10 |
Life Cycle Impacts of Proteinrich Foods for Superwijzer | conventional, whole milk | 1.25 |
Unknown | Unknown | 4 |
Den store klimadatabase | Goat milk, Agriculture: 3.18, iLUC: 0.56, Food processing: 0.06, Packaging: 0.08, Transport: 0.51 | 4.4 |
Unknown | Unknown | 5 |
*only recipes with more than 50 grams of Goat milk are shown.Recipes |