
Product CO2e / kg Studies


CO2e / kg
= 100 g of Plaice
You can consume
kg of Plaice to exhaust your daily CO2e food budget

Categories: Fish | Sea food | Food

Subcategories: Plaice (breaded)


Source Notes CO2e Country origin Country consumption Weight
Seafood carbon emissions tool European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), Wild, System: Bottom trawl, Notes: A total of 22 fuel use data points were taken from two sources. Anderson and Guillen (2011) provided time-series fuel consumption data for trawl fisheries targeting sole and other flatfish. A Danish energy study by Thrane (2004) reported lower fuel use rates for flatfish trawlers, suggesting a high degree of variability.
Unknown Unknown 6
Seafood carbon emissions tool European plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), Wild, System: Purse seine, Notes: Data specific to purse seining vessels targeting plaice or other flatfish are not available. Fuel use estimates are instead based on other purse seine fisheries for marine white fish, using 34 data points from seven sources. While it can be expected that these fisheries consume less fuel than those targeting flatfishes with other gears, there is a high degree of uncertainty around the specific rate of fuel use.
Unknown Unknown 6
RIVM Database Milieubelasting Voedingsmiddelen Schol
Unknown Netherlands 5
Den store klimadatabase Plaice, Agriculture: 0, iLUC: 1.03, Food processing: 8.48, Packaging: 0.14, Transport: 0.22
Unknown Unknown 5


*only recipes with more than 50 grams of Plaice are shown.