
Product CO2e / kg Studies


CO2e / kg
= 100 g of Scallops
You can consume
kg of Scallops to exhaust your daily CO2e food budget

Categories: Sea food | Food

Subcategories: Queen scallop | American sea scallop | Scallops (whole)


Source Notes CO2e Country origin Country consumption Weight
Evaluation of the environmental sustainability of the inshore great scallop (Pecten maximus) fishery in Galicia Supplementary table 2, Figure 6
Supplementary table 2, Figure 4: 0.43 kg CO2e per functional unit
Functional unit: 139.5 g of great scallop, 3.3 g of plastic film, and 5 g of plastic label. Due to the waste generated during the processing stage, 139.5 g of final eviscerated scallop correspond to 155 g of landed scallop. The edible meat of the scallop is 20.5 g, which corresponds to 13.2% of the gross weight of the scallop.
Emissions per kg: 0.43 kg CO2e / 0.0205 kg = 21.0
cradle-to-gate approach, excluding the production of packaging, retail, transport, and consumption stages.
Spain Spain 10


*only recipes with more than 50 grams of Scallops are shown.